import { DEV, DIRTY, FILENAME, HEAD_EFFECT, HYDRATION_END, HYDRATION_ERROR, HYDRATION_START, LEGACY_PROPS, MAYBE_DIRTY, TEMPLATE_FRAGMENT, TEMPLATE_USE_IMPORT_NODE, active_effect, all_registered_events, array_from, block, branch, clear_text_content, component_context, create_text, define_property, dev_current_component_function, effect_root, flush_sync, get, get_first_child, get_next_sibling, handle_event_propagation, hydrate_next, hydrate_node, hydrating, hydration_failed, hydration_mismatch, init_operations, is_array, legacy_recursive_reactive_block, lifecycle_double_unmount, lifecycle_outside_component, mutable_source, noop, on, pop, push, root_event_handles, set, set_hydrate_node, set_hydrating, set_signal_status, user_pre_effect } from "./chunk-OTO7APUV.js"; import { __privateAdd, __privateGet, __privateSet } from "./chunk-UGBVNEQM.js"; // node_modules/svelte/src/internal/client/dom/blocks/svelte-head.js var head_anchor; function reset_head_anchor() { head_anchor = void 0; } function head(render_fn) { let previous_hydrate_node = null; let was_hydrating = hydrating; var anchor; if (hydrating) { previous_hydrate_node = hydrate_node; if (head_anchor === void 0) { head_anchor = /** @type {TemplateNode} */ get_first_child(document.head); } while (head_anchor !== null && (head_anchor.nodeType !== 8 || /** @type {Comment} */ !== HYDRATION_START)) { head_anchor = /** @type {TemplateNode} */ get_next_sibling(head_anchor); } if (head_anchor === null) { set_hydrating(false); } else { head_anchor = set_hydrate_node( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ get_next_sibling(head_anchor) ); } } if (!hydrating) { anchor = document.head.appendChild(create_text()); } try { block(() => render_fn(anchor), HEAD_EFFECT); } finally { if (was_hydrating) { set_hydrating(true); head_anchor = hydrate_node; set_hydrate_node( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ previous_hydrate_node ); } } } // node_modules/svelte/src/internal/client/dom/reconciler.js function create_fragment_from_html(html) { var elem = document.createElement("template"); elem.innerHTML = html; return elem.content; } // node_modules/svelte/src/internal/client/dom/template.js function assign_nodes(start, end) { var effect = ( /** @type {Effect} */ active_effect ); if (effect.nodes_start === null) { effect.nodes_start = start; effect.nodes_end = end; } } function template(content, flags) { var is_fragment = (flags & TEMPLATE_FRAGMENT) !== 0; var use_import_node = (flags & TEMPLATE_USE_IMPORT_NODE) !== 0; var node; var has_start = !content.startsWith(""); return () => { if (hydrating) { assign_nodes(hydrate_node, null); return hydrate_node; } if (node === void 0) { node = create_fragment_from_html(has_start ? content : "" + content); if (!is_fragment) node = /** @type {Node} */ get_first_child(node); } var clone = ( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ use_import_node ? document.importNode(node, true) : node.cloneNode(true) ); if (is_fragment) { var start = ( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ get_first_child(clone) ); var end = ( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ clone.lastChild ); assign_nodes(start, end); } else { assign_nodes(clone, clone); } return clone; }; } function template_with_script(content, flags) { var fn = template(content, flags); return () => run_scripts( /** @type {Element | DocumentFragment} */ fn() ); } function ns_template(content, flags, ns = "svg") { var has_start = !content.startsWith(""); var is_fragment = (flags & TEMPLATE_FRAGMENT) !== 0; var wrapped = `<${ns}>${has_start ? content : "" + content}`; var node; return () => { if (hydrating) { assign_nodes(hydrate_node, null); return hydrate_node; } if (!node) { var fragment = ( /** @type {DocumentFragment} */ create_fragment_from_html(wrapped) ); var root = ( /** @type {Element} */ get_first_child(fragment) ); if (is_fragment) { node = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (get_first_child(root)) { node.appendChild( /** @type {Node} */ get_first_child(root) ); } } else { node = /** @type {Element} */ get_first_child(root); } } var clone = ( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ node.cloneNode(true) ); if (is_fragment) { var start = ( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ get_first_child(clone) ); var end = ( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ clone.lastChild ); assign_nodes(start, end); } else { assign_nodes(clone, clone); } return clone; }; } function svg_template_with_script(content, flags) { var fn = ns_template(content, flags); return () => run_scripts( /** @type {Element | DocumentFragment} */ fn() ); } function mathml_template(content, flags) { return ns_template(content, flags, "math"); } function run_scripts(node) { if (hydrating) return node; const is_fragment = node.nodeType === 11; const scripts = ( /** @type {HTMLElement} */ node.tagName === "SCRIPT" ? [ /** @type {HTMLScriptElement} */ node ] : node.querySelectorAll("script") ); const effect = ( /** @type {Effect} */ active_effect ); for (const script of scripts) { const clone = document.createElement("script"); for (var attribute of script.attributes) { clone.setAttribute(, attribute.value); } clone.textContent = script.textContent; if (is_fragment ? node.firstChild === script : node === script) { effect.nodes_start = clone; } if (is_fragment ? node.lastChild === script : node === script) { effect.nodes_end = clone; } script.replaceWith(clone); } return node; } function text(value = "") { if (!hydrating) { var t = create_text(value + ""); assign_nodes(t, t); return t; } var node = hydrate_node; if (node.nodeType !== 3) { node.before(node = create_text()); set_hydrate_node(node); } assign_nodes(node, node); return node; } function comment() { if (hydrating) { assign_nodes(hydrate_node, null); return hydrate_node; } var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var start = document.createComment(""); var anchor = create_text(); frag.append(start, anchor); assign_nodes(start, anchor); return frag; } function append(anchor, dom) { if (hydrating) { active_effect.nodes_end = hydrate_node; hydrate_next(); return; } if (anchor === null) { return; } anchor.before( /** @type {Node} */ dom ); } // node_modules/svelte/src/utils.js var regex_return_characters = /\r/g; function hash(str) { str = str.replace(regex_return_characters, ""); let hash2 = 5381; let i = str.length; while (i--) hash2 = (hash2 << 5) - hash2 ^ str.charCodeAt(i); return (hash2 >>> 0).toString(36); } var VOID_ELEMENT_NAMES = [ "area", "base", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr" ]; function is_void(name) { return VOID_ELEMENT_NAMES.includes(name) || name.toLowerCase() === "!doctype"; } function is_capture_event(name) { return name.endsWith("capture") && name !== "gotpointercapture" && name !== "lostpointercapture"; } var DELEGATED_EVENTS = [ "beforeinput", "click", "change", "dblclick", "contextmenu", "focusin", "focusout", "input", "keydown", "keyup", "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "pointerdown", "pointermove", "pointerout", "pointerover", "pointerup", "touchend", "touchmove", "touchstart" ]; function is_delegated(event_name) { return DELEGATED_EVENTS.includes(event_name); } var DOM_BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES = [ "allowfullscreen", "async", "autofocus", "autoplay", "checked", "controls", "default", "disabled", "formnovalidate", "hidden", "indeterminate", "ismap", "loop", "multiple", "muted", "nomodule", "novalidate", "open", "playsinline", "readonly", "required", "reversed", "seamless", "selected", "webkitdirectory" ]; var ATTRIBUTE_ALIASES = { // no `class: 'className'` because we handle that separately formnovalidate: "formNoValidate", ismap: "isMap", nomodule: "noModule", playsinline: "playsInline", readonly: "readOnly", srcobject: "srcObject" }; function normalize_attribute(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return ATTRIBUTE_ALIASES[name] ?? name; } var DOM_PROPERTIES = [ ...DOM_BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES, "formNoValidate", "isMap", "noModule", "playsInline", "readOnly", "value", "inert", "volume", "srcObject" ]; var PASSIVE_EVENTS = ["touchstart", "touchmove"]; function is_passive_event(name) { return PASSIVE_EVENTS.includes(name); } // node_modules/svelte/src/internal/client/render.js var should_intro = true; function set_should_intro(value) { should_intro = value; } function set_text(text2, value) { var str = value == null ? "" : typeof value === "object" ? value + "" : value; if (str !== (text2.__t ?? (text2.__t = text2.nodeValue))) { text2.__t = str; text2.nodeValue = str == null ? "" : str + ""; } } function mount(component, options) { return _mount(component, options); } function hydrate(component, options) { init_operations(); options.intro = options.intro ?? false; const target =; const was_hydrating = hydrating; const previous_hydrate_node = hydrate_node; try { var anchor = ( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ get_first_child(target) ); while (anchor && (anchor.nodeType !== 8 || /** @type {Comment} */ !== HYDRATION_START)) { anchor = /** @type {TemplateNode} */ get_next_sibling(anchor); } if (!anchor) { throw HYDRATION_ERROR; } set_hydrating(true); set_hydrate_node( /** @type {Comment} */ anchor ); hydrate_next(); const instance = _mount(component, { ...options, anchor }); if (hydrate_node === null || hydrate_node.nodeType !== 8 || /** @type {Comment} */ !== HYDRATION_END) { hydration_mismatch(); throw HYDRATION_ERROR; } set_hydrating(false); return ( /** @type {Exports} */ instance ); } catch (error) { if (error === HYDRATION_ERROR) { if (options.recover === false) { hydration_failed(); } init_operations(); clear_text_content(target); set_hydrating(false); return mount(component, options); } throw error; } finally { set_hydrating(was_hydrating); set_hydrate_node(previous_hydrate_node); reset_head_anchor(); } } var document_listeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function _mount(Component, { target, anchor, props = {}, events, context, intro = true }) { init_operations(); var registered_events = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); var event_handle = (events2) => { for (var i = 0; i < events2.length; i++) { var event_name = events2[i]; if (registered_events.has(event_name)) continue; registered_events.add(event_name); var passive2 = is_passive_event(event_name); target.addEventListener(event_name, handle_event_propagation, { passive: passive2 }); var n = document_listeners.get(event_name); if (n === void 0) { document.addEventListener(event_name, handle_event_propagation, { passive: passive2 }); document_listeners.set(event_name, 1); } else { document_listeners.set(event_name, n + 1); } } }; event_handle(array_from(all_registered_events)); root_event_handles.add(event_handle); var component = void 0; var unmount2 = effect_root(() => { var anchor_node = anchor ?? target.appendChild(create_text()); branch(() => { if (context) { push({}); var ctx = ( /** @type {ComponentContext} */ component_context ); ctx.c = context; } if (events) { props.$$events = events; } if (hydrating) { assign_nodes( /** @type {TemplateNode} */ anchor_node, null ); } should_intro = intro; component = Component(anchor_node, props) || {}; should_intro = true; if (hydrating) { active_effect.nodes_end = hydrate_node; } if (context) { pop(); } }); return () => { var _a; for (var event_name of registered_events) { target.removeEventListener(event_name, handle_event_propagation); var n = ( /** @type {number} */ document_listeners.get(event_name) ); if (--n === 0) { document.removeEventListener(event_name, handle_event_propagation); document_listeners.delete(event_name); } else { document_listeners.set(event_name, n); } } root_event_handles.delete(event_handle); mounted_components.delete(component); if (anchor_node !== anchor) { (_a = anchor_node.parentNode) == null ? void 0 : _a.removeChild(anchor_node); } }; }); mounted_components.set(component, unmount2); return component; } var mounted_components = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function unmount(component) { const fn = mounted_components.get(component); if (fn) { fn(); } else if (DEV) { lifecycle_double_unmount(); } } // node_modules/svelte/src/internal/client/dom/legacy/event-modifiers.js function trusted(fn) { return function(...args) { var event = ( /** @type {Event} */ args[0] ); if (event.isTrusted) { fn == null ? void 0 : fn.apply(this, args); } }; } function self(fn) { return function(...args) { var event = ( /** @type {Event} */ args[0] ); if ( === this) { fn == null ? void 0 : fn.apply(this, args); } }; } function stopPropagation(fn) { return function(...args) { var event = ( /** @type {Event} */ args[0] ); event.stopPropagation(); return fn == null ? void 0 : fn.apply(this, args); }; } function once(fn) { var ran = false; return function(...args) { if (ran) return; ran = true; return fn == null ? void 0 : fn.apply(this, args); }; } function stopImmediatePropagation(fn) { return function(...args) { var event = ( /** @type {Event} */ args[0] ); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return fn == null ? void 0 : fn.apply(this, args); }; } function preventDefault(fn) { return function(...args) { var event = ( /** @type {Event} */ args[0] ); event.preventDefault(); return fn == null ? void 0 : fn.apply(this, args); }; } function passive(node, [event, handler]) { user_pre_effect(() => { return on(node, event, handler() ?? noop, { passive: true }); }); } function nonpassive(node, [event, handler]) { user_pre_effect(() => { return on(node, event, handler() ?? noop, { passive: false }); }); } // node_modules/svelte/src/legacy/legacy-client.js function createClassComponent(options) { return new Svelte4Component(options); } function asClassComponent(component) { return class extends Svelte4Component { /** @param {any} options */ constructor(options) { super({ component, ...options }); } }; } var _events, _instance; var Svelte4Component = class { /** * @param {ComponentConstructorOptions & { * component: any; * }} options */ constructor(options) { /** @type {any} */ __privateAdd(this, _events); /** @type {Record} */ __privateAdd(this, _instance); var _a; var sources = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var add_source = (key, value) => { var s = mutable_source(value); sources.set(key, s); return s; }; const props = new Proxy( { ...options.props || {}, $$events: {} }, { get(target, prop) { return get(sources.get(prop) ?? add_source(prop, Reflect.get(target, prop))); }, has(target, prop) { if (prop === LEGACY_PROPS) return true; get(sources.get(prop) ?? add_source(prop, Reflect.get(target, prop))); return Reflect.has(target, prop); }, set(target, prop, value) { set(sources.get(prop) ?? add_source(prop, value), value); return Reflect.set(target, prop, value); } } ); __privateSet(this, _instance, (options.hydrate ? hydrate : mount)(options.component, { target:, anchor: options.anchor, props, context: options.context, intro: options.intro ?? false, recover: options.recover })); if (!((_a = options == null ? void 0 : options.props) == null ? void 0 : _a.$$host) || options.sync === false) { flush_sync(); } __privateSet(this, _events, props.$$events); for (const key of Object.keys(__privateGet(this, _instance))) { if (key === "$set" || key === "$destroy" || key === "$on") continue; define_property(this, key, { get() { return __privateGet(this, _instance)[key]; }, /** @param {any} value */ set(value) { __privateGet(this, _instance)[key] = value; }, enumerable: true }); } __privateGet(this, _instance).$set = /** @param {Record} next */ (next) => { Object.assign(props, next); }; __privateGet(this, _instance).$destroy = () => { unmount(__privateGet(this, _instance)); }; } /** @param {Record} props */ $set(props) { __privateGet(this, _instance).$set(props); } /** * @param {string} event * @param {(...args: any[]) => any} callback * @returns {any} */ $on(event, callback) { __privateGet(this, _events)[event] = __privateGet(this, _events)[event] || []; const cb = (...args) =>, ...args); __privateGet(this, _events)[event].push(cb); return () => { __privateGet(this, _events)[event] = __privateGet(this, _events)[event].filter( /** @param {any} fn */ (fn) => fn !== cb ); }; } $destroy() { __privateGet(this, _instance).$destroy(); } }; _events = new WeakMap(); _instance = new WeakMap(); function run(fn) { user_pre_effect(() => { var _a; fn(); var effect = ( /** @type {import('#client').Effect} */ active_effect ); if ((effect.f & DIRTY) !== 0) { let filename = "a file (we can't know which one)"; if (DEV) { filename = ((_a = dev_current_component_function) == null ? void 0 : _a[FILENAME]) ?? filename; } legacy_recursive_reactive_block(filename); set_signal_status(effect, MAYBE_DIRTY); } }); } function handlers(...handlers2) { return function(event) { const { stopImmediatePropagation: stopImmediatePropagation2 } = event; let stopped = false; event.stopImmediatePropagation = () => { stopped = true;; }; const errors = []; for (const handler of handlers2) { try { handler == null ? void 0 :, event); } catch (e) { errors.push(e); } if (stopped) { break; } } for (let error of errors) { queueMicrotask(() => { throw error; }); } }; } function createBubbler() { const active_component_context = component_context; if (active_component_context === null) { lifecycle_outside_component("createBubbler"); } return (type) => (event) => { var _a; const events = ( /** @type {Record} */ (_a = active_component_context.s.$$events) == null ? void 0 : _a[ /** @type {any} */ type ] ); if (events) { const callbacks = is_array(events) ? events.slice() : [events]; for (const fn of callbacks) {, event); } return !event.defaultPrevented; } return true; }; } export { head, create_fragment_from_html, assign_nodes, template, template_with_script, ns_template, svg_template_with_script, mathml_template, text, comment, append, hash, is_void, is_capture_event, is_delegated, normalize_attribute, should_intro, set_should_intro, set_text, mount, hydrate, unmount, trusted, self, stopPropagation, once, stopImmediatePropagation, preventDefault, passive, nonpassive, createClassComponent, asClassComponent, run, handlers, createBubbler }; //#