"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var complementaryRole = { abstract: false, accessibleNameRequired: false, baseConcepts: [], childrenPresentational: false, nameFrom: ['author'], prohibitedProps: [], props: {}, relatedConcepts: [{ concept: { constraints: ['scoped to the body element', 'scoped to the main element'], name: 'aside' }, module: 'HTML' }, { concept: { attributes: [{ constraints: ['set'], name: 'aria-label' }], constraints: ['scoped to a sectioning content element', 'scoped to a sectioning root element other than body'], name: 'aside' }, module: 'HTML' }, { concept: { attributes: [{ constraints: ['set'], name: 'aria-labelledby' }], constraints: ['scoped to a sectioning content element', 'scoped to a sectioning root element other than body'], name: 'aside' }, module: 'HTML' }], requireContextRole: [], requiredContextRole: [], requiredOwnedElements: [], requiredProps: {}, superClass: [['roletype', 'structure', 'section', 'landmark']] }; var _default = exports.default = complementaryRole;