<liclass="fragment fade-in">You don't alwyas need the cutting edge</li>
<liclass="fragment fade-in">Enterprises love tax write-offs</li>
<liclass="fragment fade-in">Non-profits can get special pricing</li>
<liclass="fragment fade-in">Learn to love Open Source</li>
<liclass="fragment fade-in">Outsourcing is not always cheaper</li>
<li>Eveyone likes new shiny things, but there is a lot of bang for the buck value if you know where to look.</li>
<li>Big businesses are constantly turning over hardware in favor of newer models. However, whats being replaced usually is perfectly usable.</li>
<li>There are orginazations that will give special pricing to non-profits. Use example of TechSoup.</li>
<li>While the two are not one in the same, Open Source usually means free.</li>
<li>It may be tempting to outsource it needs to a 3rd party. However, it isnt always cheaper and generally unless otherwise stated, these companies operate 9-5 M-F. Not really the church schedule.</li>
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<liclass="fragment fade-in">It benefits you to buy the best you can afford</li>
<liclass="fragment fade-in">One mans trash is not always anothers treasure</li>
<liclass="fragment fade-in">You need to be ok upgrading</li>
<liclass="fragment fade-in">Sometimes a paid solution is the best</li>
<liclass="fragment fade-in">Paying an expert can save you a lot of headache</li>
<li>Sure you dont need a $4000 Macbook to wire sermons, but a $150 Chromebook probably isnt the best option either.</li>
<li>You are a church not an e-waste recycling program.</li>
<li>It may be tempting to outsource it needs to a 3rd party. However, it isnt always cheaper and generally unless otherwise stated, these companies operate 9-5 M-F. Not really the church schedule.</li>