Who You Gonna Call?

Why Your Church Needs an IT Person

Section Overview

But Why?

WHY? Oh I will tell you why.

What do I do?

  • Troubleshoot technical issues
  • Maintain physical infrastructure
  • Update software
  • Setup Zoom calls
  • Fix printers
  • Develop websites
  • Repair or replace obselete hardware
  • And as always... other duties as assigned

But I can do those things!

  • Can it scale?
  • Is it secure?
  • What happens when someone leaves?
  • What happens when something breaks?
  • How do you backup data?

It's OK to be overwhelmed

How much will this cost?


It's complicated

  • Technology is ever changing
  • The 'as a service' model adds up
  • Business class internet is a rip off
  • Remote work means more reliance on the cloud.
  • There isn't a one size fits all solution.

No money no problem

  • You don't alwyas need the cutting edge
  • Enterprises love tax write-offs
  • Non-profits can get special pricing
  • Learn to love Open Source
  • Outsourcing is not always cheaper


  • It benefits you to buy the best you can afford
  • One mans trash is not always anothers treasure
  • You need to be ok upgrading



  • It benefits you to buy the best you can afford
  • One mans trash is not always anothers treasure
  • You need to be ok upgrading
  • Sometimes a paid solution is the best
  • Paying an expert can save you a lot of headache

Nuts and Bolts

Lets talk hardware

Wrangling the 1's and 0's

Software to get things done